10 Sep

Reducing Stress: Tips for Busy Professionals

Photo via Pixabay by Stokpic

For many busy professionals and business owners, finding a way to reduce stress and anxiety in order to better focus on goals can be difficult. There are always so many details to consider when aiming for success, and so many long hours put into meeting those goals. You may be exhausted at the end of the day or feel too overwhelmed when it’s time to take a moment for yourself, but it’s essential that you make an effort to do so. When you can lower those feelings of stress and anxiety, you’re better able to focus on your career and balance your mental and physical health at the same time.

The key is to manage your time wisely, which is an attribute that’s highly beneficial for any working professional. Getting organized can help you stay on top of things so you don’t feel overwhelmed — both at home and at work — and will keep you looking forward. Looking over your finances can also help you create a solid plan and will help you stay in control of the most important parts of your life.

Keep reading for some great tips on how to reduce stress and reach new goals.

Consider business funding

The financial end of running a business brings a copious amount of stress to small business owners, especially those who are fairly new to the world of commerce. Consider tapping into funding that gives you the freedom to add new employees, purchase better equipment or boost inventory. Depending on your needs, you might open up a business line of credit or apply for a grant or loan. Finding the right funding can make a huge difference in boosting your business and the bottom line. Your stress won’t go away, but it can be greatly reduced if funding isn’t an issue.

Get organized

Getting organized, both at work and home, will help you kick stress to the curb and stay on top of all your responsibilities. From making sure your desk is neat and all the tools you need are easily accessible to streamlining your morning routine, there are many ways you can get organized in both the professional and personal sides of your life. Clever storage solutions will go a long way toward keeping things tidy, while a good morning schedule might include eating a healthy breakfast and taking a quiet 10 minutes for yourself. Remember that clutter can be detrimental to your mental health and can increase stress and anxiety, so the more you can clear out, the better off you’ll be.

Get some sleep and eat nutritiously 

It’s extremely difficult to be productive and lower your stress when you haven’t had enough sleep, so it’s crucial that you make sure your body gets the rest it needs every night. Not only do you need a good quantity — at least seven hours, although eight is better — you also need good quality. This might mean investing in good bedding, using blackout curtains or blinds to keep the light out, cutting out caffeine after a certain hour of the day, and fitting in a workout early enough in the day that you’ll be tired come bedtime.

It’s also crucial that you eat well if you want to have less stress and stay productive, so make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. You also can improve your mood by caring for the health of your gut, so make sure to eat plenty of probiotic-rich food or take a daily probiotic.

Reducing stress and anxiety isn’t always easy when you’re a busy professional; you might have a lot going on in your personal life that prevents you from truly focusing on your business, or you might be unable to separate your private and professional lives. Start by making sure both ends of your finances are separate from one another; this can help reduce stress at tax time and prevent any nasty surprises down the road. With a good plan in place, you can reduce stress in 2019 and reach all your goals.

AUTHOR: Julie Morris
Life and Career Coach

About Catherine Molloy
Catherine Molloy is an International Keynote Speaker & Communication Expert / Author of the Million Dollar Handshake / Owner of Auspac Business Advantage Pty Ltd. / Winner of Stevie Awards for Leadership and Sales / Asia Pacific Stevie Awards for the Conscious Connection Framework / Awarded the Australian Institute of Management Excellence Awards for owner, Manager of the Year, and has over 25 years expertise in the delivery of education training in the field of Body Language, Leadership, Sales, Service and Communication training.