In business we are always looking for value for money, the next marketing strategy, the latest technology, etc. Trial and error is the way most of us learn, though to save money I would suggest you make the most of your networking experiences. Drill down with other business owners to gather information to help your business, free of charge – just your own time and a few social drinks.
The art of research has gone by the wayside and can be quite costly in the long run if you don’t find out enough information. Leaving it to the so-called ‘experts’ can also be risky as often they don’t understand that you may not know what it is that you need and you’re actually relying on them for help with information, products and services.
Proactive is what we business owners need to be. We are always selling and always buying.
I love The Turn Around Kings’ reason for why people don’t buy: uncertainty. If you are uncertain about the person, product or service, (whether it is the right fit, if you need it, the quality, about the person offering the product)… then you won’t buy.
So please, when you are selling your products and services be certain it is the best product for your customer and you are the best person to deliver the product.
Use technology and ask your LinkedIn network for help when deciding what product or supplier to purchase from – you will probably get 500 answers! So make use of the technology available, take the uncertainty out of what you do and enjoy your business.