Learn how to feel a million dollars and make other people feel a million dollars too as you create win-win situations to seal the deal whilst building lasting relationships. Hope to see you ...
What’s your WHY? It almost feels this question has been done to death, but interestingly enough, so many people still don’t have an answer! For 50 per cent of people ...
It is quite amazing how many tools are available for us to help train the brain, to think outside the square, handle ‘change management’ etc. We are quite often told ...
How important is having a goal? More than ever, in a market like this, you cannot afford to waste your time or money. Getting SMART and setting your goals, revisiting ...
Want FREE help to grow your business? Brin and the team at Grow your Business are amazing and right now they are still offering this personal business advisor app to ...
I have one word for you… ‘MOVE’ Move your mind, Move your body, Move your thought processes, Move and take control of your plans and life. Move and choose healthier food and ...
Recently, when asked what work/life balance meant, I came up with Community, Passion, Relationships (C.P.R.) I don’t believe as a business owner you can separate everything into pockets (for example: ...
Whenever I think of Change Management I hear the song “Changes” and know we must turn and face the change…accept the challenge, look for the new opportunities that always come ...
“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because they want to do it” Dwight Eisenhower The boss drives his people; the leader supervises ...
Training is essential for growth in your business. Without consistently educating ourselves, we fall into bad habits and continually do the same thing with the same results, and we are ...