I have one word for you… ‘MOVE’
Move your mind, Move your body, Move your thought processes, Move and take control of your plans and life.
Move and choose healthier food and the lifestyle you want. The body and mind is engineered and geared to move.
I am definitely taking my own advice and have locked in ‘the move’. I am walking home from work, and when swimming laps in the pool I say ‘Move’, when I want to stop.
The best way to move the heart, is bending down and lifting others up.
When at work and procrastination starts to set in, what do you do? Move… move your focus, move your attention and get going.
And a great way to stop the procrastination process and ideas being killed before they have even had a chance to grow – is to use the six hats thinking process by Edward De Bono.
Red Hat: Gut instinct, hunches, feelings
Green Hat: Creativity, ideas, alternatives, provocations
Black Hat: Problems, difficulties, weaknesses
White Hat: Information, data, facts
Blue Hat: Process, developing thinking agendas, planning for action
Yellow Hat: Benefits, plus points
Get moving… Put on your green hat and get creative! Move to the yellow hat and think of all the positive benefits this new idea brings. Try on the white hat… let’s get some facts and figures happening. Now move to the red hat and see how you are feeling about this? If okay, let’s go to the black hat and check out our risks.
Back to the green to find solutions, then pop on the blue hat, time to create our plan of action.
What a top hat idea! Of course these hats can be used in any order, according to whether you are creating, solving problems, on fact finding missions or managing teams etc.
If it’s meant to be.. it’s up to me.. ‘MOVE’ and start your personal development training today.