Whatever culture you want in your business you must lead it. Whatever you walk past in your business you now must own it as you have now accepted this behaviour as the new norm for your culture. You will be a major effect on your business as to whether it grows or fails.
What is the culture of your business? Who is leading it? Is being on time important? Is respecting others points of view important? Is self-leadership an important tool for each of your team members to have to lead themselves and others to the desired results?
Bringing consciousness forward in your actions and communication will help create a positive culture that you can be proud of being a part of. We understand that creating a work force of philanthropists or philanthropic deeds can change attitudes and create healthy mindsets along the way. At our group monthly meetings with all our major suppliers and contractors we used to draw a name of a charity out of a hat and that is where we would donate 10 percent of profits and half a day volunteering if it was in our local area. We would encourage staff days to volunteer at charities as well. Now we are working with one charity who help the poorest people in the world to give them worth and value to their lives.
What we discovered in our training company was that no one is ever happy focusing on themselves, by using some of our well honed and proven tools along with caring for others allowed the team to become part of a bigger picture globally- even bigger than themselves, their family and the business.
Our culture was to create the CARE factor and to live a purposefully driven life.
Once we are conscious and take responsibility for our actions and our words, we can make massive changes in the culture of our business. Now if this was easy everyone would be doing it now.
Even though technology has changed the way we do everything, even the way we buy our food, but nothing has helped people communicate positively to each other.
If it was easy communication wouldn’t be the biggest problem in business today…whether its from the induction process through to change management through to customer service and sales. Without people we don’t have a business. When people come to your business, they see your culture in the first 7 seconds and even if a couple of people band aid it …slowly it will rear its head. E.g.: they don’t get what they are told they will receive …the staff blame each other…the processes aren’t clear. You must lead your culture, make sure if there is a problem, you address it with a solution and make all staff aware of it.
Don’t compromise on the culture of your business- I DID – I brought people on in a period where we were growing fast and I thought our values and care culture was ingrained but it wasn’t enough to handle double the people coming in in a short period of time. Unacceptable standards were taken on and I had to step back in and change everything. It’s easier for people to learn from the start the correct way than to unlearn and relearn the acceptable culture of the business. Would you put a piece of furniture in your house that didn’t match the feel you wanted? Yet sometimes we end up with people in our business that do not fit and all the training and positive mindset in the world will not change this because they live under the line and will blame others and not be responsible for anything in the business. Recognise this early and if they do not like the culture of the business and through your management process and utilising the difficult conversations model, they do not come around …I implore you to remove them like a cancer before YOU don’t even enjoy coming to your work place.
Creating the culture, you want in your business removes present pain and allows you to fulfil your business and vision plan for the future.
Train your team and yourself in how to LEAD CULTURE …. Make a difference today with simple tools contextualised for your business to create happiness and business growth. Be emotionally and culturally intelligent … use our emotional intelligent on line course today or book for face to face discovery and training programme.
How do you want your internal and external staff to behave, think and feel about your business and culture? Let everyone understand the value your business brings and don’t compromise on the culture of your business.